Basic Rigging Licence Training



Rigging Courses for Sydney Professionals

A rigging training programme is a trade qualification that licenses the worker to perform high-risk rigging work on rigging systems. Rigging is essential to the construction, maritime, entertainment and manufacturing industries, offering many lucrative opportunities for well-paid work. Our rigging courses in Sydney qualify successful candidates to plan, set up and operate intricate systems for lifting and moving equipment and other heavy objects.

Licence to Perform Basic Rigging Course

Sydney is ideal for high-risk rigging training. Its modern infrastructure, vibrant entertainment scene and proximity to the ocean means qualified riggers with a work licence have many options to apply their trade once qualified. Our Perform Basic Rigging course – CPCCLRG3001 – Licence to Perform Rigging – Basic Level – provides all the knowledge and skills necessary to satisfy the qualification requirements. Once eligible, you will be able to find rigging work throughout Australia.

What Work Can a Licensed Rigger Do?

The Licence to Perform Basic Rigging course is a legal requirement for persons who perform elementary rigging work. Common kinds of rigging work for licensing purposes include:

  • Moving plants and equipment.
  • Steel erections.
  • Hoists (including mast climbing hoists).
  • Placing precast concrete.
  • Safety net and static line installation. 
  • Perimeter safety screens and shutters.
  • Cantilever crane loading platforms.

Rudimentary Rigging Course in Sydney Components and Content

Our License to Perform Rigging – Basic Level course covers the latest rigging theories in line with Australian legislation. To successfully pass the course, students must:

  • Communicate and work safely at heights with others in the work area.
  • Demonstrate risk assessment and management procedures for different rigging tasks.
  • Exhibit safe erection/dismantling of a steel structure.
  • Correctly install/dismantle a safety net.
  • Install/dismantle a static line exactly.
  • Demonstrate installation of a cantilevered crane loading platform (CCLP).
  • Set up a winch accurately.
  • Exhibit installation/dismantling of a safety screen.
  • Properly install/dismantle a materials hoist.

Rigging Training Course Outcomes

Upon completing their training and assessment, participants will receive a Statement of Attainment CPCCLRG3001 Licence to Perform Rigging Basic Level and be eligible to apply for a National Licence to Perform High-Risk Work (Class RB). The course is also a prerequisite for progressing to the CPCCLRG3002 Licence to Perform Rigging – Intermediate Level course.

Other Course Prerequisites

You must hold a valid Dogging/Dogman HRW licence class (DG) to enrol in our Licence to Perform Rigging – Basic Level course and attain your Basic Rigging class (RB) licence. In addition, students must:

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Have working English skills, including the use of technical vocabulary.
  • Be able to understand mathematical equations that relate to course content.
  • Provide 100 points of identification as per SafeWork NSW requirements.


Suppose a participant fails to bring 100 points of identification. In that case, we will reschedule the assessment and charge a re-booking fee.

Course Requirements and Training Location

HRTA NSW has a purpose-built training ground in Ingleburn, NSW, to fulfil in-person training requirements, which entail practical demonstration and a written component. This site offers all the necessary venue requirements, plus qualified trainers and assessors.

Course Duration and Certification

You can do our rigging courses in Sydney in just five (5) days – four days of training and one day of assessment. You will receive a Statement of Attainment issued by your registered training organisation when you meet all requirements, including course completion and payment of fees.

An accredited SafeWork NSW assessor will issue your High-Risk Work Licence. Call or email now to discuss your application with our qualified staff. We are standing by to answer any questions you may have regarding your application.


at HRTA NSW only (GST Exempt)